Thursday, September 20, 2012

Until AM into the Final of Arctic15

Tekes and Arctic15 love Until AM

Until AM participated in a startup competition organized by Arctic15 conference in Helsinki. We're proud to announce that our app was chosen as one of the finalists!

The competition was open for Nordic and Baltic startups. The finalists were chosen from a group of over 100 applications of all kinds, not necessarily related to music or online services. We won the category of a Best new mobile service idea, curated by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.

Mobile service, huh? That's right - even though Until AM is currently known as a web app running in a browser, it's about to reincarnate as a mobile app as well. The technical development is well on its way, and we're really excited about the possibilities of DJing on a portable device with a touch screen. Our aim is not to merely replicate the functionality of traditional desktop DJ apps on a new platform, but instead we've designed some completely new ways to stir the soup. And no worries if you prefer to use your desktop computer for DJing: the current browser-based version will stay online and get developed further. But more on this later, once we get the first version of the mobile Until AM out!

At the moment we're preparing to present our app in the final pitching session in October, competing for the main price. Thrilling times for Until AM!


  1. Please put it on Android, and not just iOS
    I would use it at parties and DJ with my bluetooth!

  2. bagai mana cara memesukkan lagu nya???
